
Three Green Music is for the artists... and the fans. We have creative ways to help musicians, bands, artists, podcasters and content creators reach a new audience as fans explore new sounds. Our growing collective fanbase will be able to browse this expanding network of the audible craft; and curate their own playlists from the community.

Our Mission

Three Green Music is here to promote a healthy music industry; believing the artist and the fan should have a direct connection. We plan to create unique tools for our approved artists to utilize, so they can communicate with their fan base, increase their exposure, and enhance a common digital music experience while earning revenue and accessing industry tools. Our mission is to expand the market, while promoting awesome sounds.

The Vision

Our Vision is to establish a worldwide online platform that will transform the music industry into a common atmosphere for positive energy. Music and Content can be powerful, and Three Green Music would like to build the stage with our membership-driven artists to prove this truth.


Artist/Creator Accounts: Artists/Creators can submit a song for management approval. Once approved, they will have a profile page to post their sounds on, and will be granted access to a growing bag of industry tools. Sell your profile's ad space to start earning revenue, and promote new music, news, events and shows... More methods of income and features are always being developed; and you own your content... Sign Up NOW!

Fan+ Account: Fans can browse this catalog for free, or SignUp for a Fan+ Account and curate playlists of their favorite songs from their favorite artists on ThreeGreenMusic.com, and also unlock hidden tracks. Listen to continuous playback on a personal playlist. Enjoy new music and have fun sharing the ride... Fan features will evolve as well! Join today and support this excellent collection of indie tracks!

Blog/Event Post: On Three Green Music, artists and creators share a common news feed to promote themselves, their shows, and anything else relative to their band, the group, or the individual.

Contact Us today and become a part of the community!